MemeFi as it is a play to earn telegram bot in which you work in it and get rewarded when their coins gets listed. It has been started from April 2024. Now it’s time has arrived to gets listed . They have also commited to their listing and allocation. Also as their listing is near they have also given huge giveaways of Lamborghini and etherium. In this blog you will read about their listing date, pre market, allocation and trick to get larger Airdrop. Here are the full details and updates of Meme fi listing date
1 Memefi listing date:
Meme fi is a play to earn bot and has been launched a long time ago. Now it’s time for their listing . First they had tells us that the date will be 30 October. But they had postponed it because of their large community. Now they have made all their preparations and now they have tells their final listing date which will never change.Moreover, Memefi listing date is now at the November 12th.
2 Snapshot:
According to Meme fi, Final snapshot has not been taken and will be completed on November 6 at 12:00 UTC. However , On November 8 you will be able to see your final allocation, combining both Telegram in-game and previous EVM eligibility initiate your off-chain claims. On chain claim will be able in TGE at November 12th.
3 Allocation:
Meme fi Airdrop is as it is getting listed, everyone is interested in their allocation criteria. However no news has been confirmed but their is one which has gather all attention. It is that the allocation will be based on two ways : * 10000 = 1 * 100000 = 1
Although you will be able to see your final allocation on November 8. Before it must complete all tasks and get a larger airdrop.
4 Pre market :
Meme fi a play to earn telegram bot and now it is getting listed . Like other programs, they have also started their pre market on exchanges like bitget and OKX.However they have also been working for collaboration with Binance. As their pre market is live on these exchanges, it’s pre market price is also given which is 0.01 dollars.